Renascence is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by Marquette University's English Department, in cooperation with the Philosophy Documentation Center. The journal examines the interaction between literature, moral philosophy, and theology - its subtitle is "Essays on Values in Literature". It occasionally publishes special issues dedicated to particular intellectuals or literary figures, with a particular focus on work that has emerged from the Catholic tradition. All issues are available online. Less
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Renascence の創刊は 1948 年です。
Renascence の発行頻度は Quarterlyです。
Renascence のH-Index scoreは 5、Citescoreは0.1、SNIP scoreは 0.28、SJRはQ4です。
Renascence の出版社はMARQUETTE UNIV PRESSです。
Renascence の主な指標はEditage内の本ページ上部で確認できます。
RenascenceのeISSN番号は2329-8626、pISSN番号は 0034-4346です。