The Public Historian is the official publication of the National Council on Public History. It is a quarterly journal published by University of California Press, with the journal's editorial offices housed in the History Department, University of California, Santa Barbara. First published in 1978, The Public Historian publishes the results of scholarly research and case studies in such areas as: public policy and policy analysis; federal, state, and local history; historic preservation; oral history; museum and historical administration; documentation and information services, corporate biography; and public history education. The ISSN is 0272-3433. Less
Public Historian の創刊は 1978 年です。
Public Historian の発行頻度は Quarterlyです。
Public Historian のH-Index scoreは 19、Citescoreは0.6、SNIP scoreは 0.84、SJRはQ2です。
Public Historian の出版社はUNIV CALIFORNIA PRESSです。
Public Historianの出版方針と研究範囲は本ページ上部で確認できます。
Public Historian の主な指標はEditage内の本ページ上部で確認できます。
Public HistorianのeISSN番号は1533-8576、pISSN番号は 0272-3433です。