Past & Present is a British historical academic journal, which has been a leading force in the development of social history. Founded in 1952, the journal is published four times a year by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Past and Present Society, a British historical membership association and registered charity. The society also publishes a book series (Past and Present Publications), and sponsors occasional conferences and appoints postdoctoral fellows. Less
Past and Present の創刊は 1952 年です。
Past and Present の発行頻度は Quarterlyです。
Past and Present のH-Index scoreは 41、Citescoreは2.6、SNIP scoreは 3.41、SJRはQ1です。
Past and Present の出版社はOXFORD UNIV PRESSです。
Past and Presentの出版方針と研究範囲は本ページ上部で確認できます。
Past and Present の主な指標はEditage内の本ページ上部で確認できます。
Past and PresentのeISSN番号は1477-464X、pISSN番号は 0031-2746です。
このジャーナルはBeamforming, Famine, Phased array, French revolution, Care workers, Counter-Reformationを含むトピックに対応しています。