Organic Process Research & Development is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published since 1997 by the American Chemical Society. Its publication frequency switched from bimonthly to monthly in 2012. It is indexed in Chemical Abstracts Service, Scopus, EBSCOhost, British Library, and Web of Science. The current editor-in-chief is Kai Rossen. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2017 impact factor of 3.584. Less
ヶ月 | 論文発表 |
0-3 | 54% |
4-6 | 43% |
7-9 | 3% |
>9 | 0% |
Organic Process Research and Development の創刊は 1997 年です。
Organic Process Research and Development の発行頻度は Bi-monthlyです。
Organic Process Research and Development の出版社はAMER CHEMICAL SOCです。
Organic Process Research and Developmentの出版方針と研究範囲は本ページ上部で確認できます。
Organic Process Research and Development の主な指標はEditage内の本ページ上部で確認できます。
Organic Process Research and DevelopmentのeISSN番号は1520-586X、pISSN番号は 1083-6160です。
このジャーナルはOrganic chemistry, Drug discovery, Rhodium, Nucleoside, Manufacturing process, Breast cancer, Olmesartan, Thermal stability, Dimethyl fumarate, Differential scanning calorimetry, Residence time, Workflow, Pharmaceutical industry, Drug, Alogliptin, Tetrazole, Continuous crystallization, Carboxylic acid, Coupling reaction, Cardiovascular therapyを含むトピックに対応しています。