The Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Springer Science+Business Media on behalf of ASM International. The editor-in-chief is Rajiv Asthana (University of Wisconsin). The journal covers all aspects of materials engineering broadly described as materials selection, design, processing, characterization, and evaluation. The scope includes all substances used in engineering applications with a tendency toward constituent materials that comprise a larger system. Less
ヶ月 | 論文発表 |
0-3 | 8% |
4-6 | 46% |
7-9 | 29% |
>9 | 17% |
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance の創刊は 1992 年です。
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance の発行頻度は Weeklyです。
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance のH-Index scoreは 78、Citescoreは3.1、SNIP scoreは 0.76、SJRはQ2です。
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance の出版社はSPRINGERです。
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performanceの出版方針と研究範囲は本ページ上部で確認できます。
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance の主な指標はEditage内の本ページ上部で確認できます。
Journal of Materials Engineering and PerformanceのeISSN番号は1544-1024、pISSN番号は 1059-9495です。
このジャーナルはAlloy, Rotational speed, Microstructural evolution, Welding, Hardness, Simulation, Numerical analysis, Boron nitride, Mold, Cyclic loading, Transmission electron microscopy, Surface modification, Grain size, Spot welding, Ringer's solution, Room temperature, Phase transition, Magnesium alloy, 3D printing, Strain rateを含むトピックに対応しています。