International Studies Quarterly is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal of international studies and an official journal of the International Studies Association. It was established in 1959 and is published on behalf of Oxford University Press. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal had a 2018 impact factor of 2.172. The editors-in-chief are Brandon C. Prins and Krista E. Wiegand (University of Tennessee). Less
Indexed in the following public directories
ヶ月 | 論文発表 |
0-3 | 0% |
4-6 | 0% |
7-9 | 8% |
>9 | 92% |
International Studies Quarterly の創刊は 1957 年です。
International Studies Quarterly の発行頻度は Quarterlyです。
International Studies Quarterly の出版社はOXFORD UNIV PRESSです。
International Studies Quarterlyの出版方針と研究範囲は本ページ上部で確認できます。
International Studies Quarterly の主な指標はEditage内の本ページ上部で確認できます。
International Studies QuarterlyのeISSN番号は1468-2478、pISSN番号は 0020-8833です。
このジャーナルはInternational relations, Gender bias, Foreign direct investment, Human rights, Government, Ontological security, Public opinion, Mass media, Climate governance, International conflict, Treaty, Economic decline, Military service, Social power, Judicial restraint, Narcissism, Amnesty, Host country, Climate change, Implicit associationを含むトピックに対応しています。