質問: Resubmissionの対応について

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つい先日、投稿していたジャーナルから査読結果がきました。 結果は、リジェクトでしたが、下記のような文面で再投稿を推奨されました。文面を読む限り、再投稿をした方が良い結果に繋がりそうな気がします。 別の雑誌に投稿しようとも考えていましたが、もう一度修正をして再度チャレンジをしたほうがよろしいでしょうか。 Based on this evaluation, the Editorial Board has determined that your submission has merit but is not suitable for publication in its present form in Archives. The reviewers and I found your paper intriguing but were concerned that a number of significant issues need to be resolved before acceptance for publication could again be considered. Some appear relatively minor. While others may be more difficult, you may be able to address them. If you choose to do so, note that the revised paper should be submitted as a new submission (under the Article Type "Resubmission (w/ previous manuscript #)") in the manner outlined later in this letter. If you choose to resubmit the manuscript, please submit as a new submission. Under the article type, in step 1 of the submission process, choose "Resubmission (w/ previous manuscript #)". In your cover letter, please 1) reference this manuscript ID number (2) include AN ITEMIZED LIST of the revisions in a Detailed Response to Reviewers for Resubmission. (3) Use continuous line numbering in the text and reference the revisions made by line number in the cover letter. (4) Highlight changes made in one copy of the manuscript text. Submit another copy with all changes accepted and not highlighted. Please add "marked copy" to the file name of the highlighted version and "clean copy" to the file name of the clean version. Submit both clean and highlighted copies under the category titled Manuscript without author identifiers. Both should remain blinded for the review process. お手数おかけしますが、ご助言のほど何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。
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